Mangdechhu Hydroelectric Project
Corniche Silica Fumes has been extensively used in shotcrete, high performance concrete and self compacting concrete in the construction of a number of the mega hydro projects over the last 17-18 years or so like Punatshangchuu HEP II, Mangdechu HEP, Karchham Wangtoo HEP to name a few. The performance of Corniche Fumes has been found excellent in terms of it’s consistent quality meeting the provisions of relevant IS and ASTM codes. The performance of this product stands time tested after use in so many projects which are functional for years now.
Arvind Kumar Sthapak
Managing Director and Director (Technical),
Precision Concrete Craft and Innovations (PCCI) Pvt. Ltd.
Formerly Chief Engineer of Mangdechu Hydroelectric Project and Punatshangchhu Hydroelectric Project, Bhutan, and General Manager, JAL for Karchham Wangtoo HE Project, HP, India.